About the Company
Research Company Abercade is specializing on the investigation of industrial markets and technologies.
The Company was established in 1999. Abercade’s Offices are located in Moscow in Minsk. The Company is planning to open an Office in China in November 2008.
Every year Abercade issues over 100 reports with industrial market surveys.
Abercade conducts surveys upon clientele requests and implements its own research projects in the key industries and markets. The results of studies are presented in a series of annual monitoring documents, statistic products and targeted reports.
Research Company Abercade releases the following three key types of products:
• Surveys of industries and markets conducted upon client requests
• Regular market monitoring issues («ready-made reports»)
• Development of strategic documents (strategies of the development of companies, industries, and markets)
Company’s business has been structured in the following eight key industry practices:
Since 2000, Company Abercade has established a practice in the area of Biotechnology.
Since 2001, Abercade has been publishing annual reports characterizing situation in the Russian biotech market. Since 2005, Abercade has been producing annual market monitoring issues for individual market segments (enzymes, amino acids, biofuel, etc.).
Abercade has been conducting regular monitoring of projects associated with the development and manufacture of biologics. In an 8-year period, an extensive database of research centers and companies has been developed; dozens of projects have received assessment; and, funding has been raised for several projects.
In 2007, «Abercade»provided support for the project on establishing a large-scale industrial production of biofuel (and co-products) in Russia with the output of up to 1 mln. tons of grain per year.
For the last 8 years, Abercade has been conducting systematic research of the market of tare, package and capping products. Annual market monitoring documents are issued for all key commodity lines represented in this market: tare and package made of glass, cardboard, tin, industrial and shipment tare made of polymers, flexible package. A series of surveys “Capping Products” consists of seven reports on the main types of caps, covers and reports on dosing and spraying devices.
In addition to the surveys of tare and package market, Abercade also makes analysis of the market of packing equipment (including labeling and marking equipment) and equipment for manufacturing tare and package. A multi-year market research of labels and label paper is a really unique study.
Thus, Abercade has established a comprehensive monitoring system covering over 100 commodity groups in the Russian market of tare and package. It is a really unique analytical product in the Russian market place as regards its completeness and detailed elaboration.
In 2007, Abercade expanded its research geography and proposed to its clientele overviews of the world market of paper and cardboard. In 2008, monitoring issues on tare and package have additional sections on the Ukrainian and Belarussian markets.
The reform of municipal housing sector (MHS) in Russia, in additional to painful changes, has resulted in the reconsideration of consumer’s attitude to utilities: water, electricity, heat and gas. Our surveys demonstrate that the rate growth in MHS leads to increase in the consumption of meters.
In 2006, the consumption of water meters increased by 3-times and import — by 6 times. Dynamics in the market of electricity and gas meters is less impressive. However, we assume that it is a matter of time. Sooner or later, a large-scale transition of consumers (and producers) of utilities will occur: actually measured values will be used instead of rated indicators will be used for accounting consumed energy.
The practice “Meters and Measuring Devices” was initiated in 2003. We would like to extend our appreciation to ITELMA Company — our cooperation with this company paved the way in this direction.
Since 2006, Abercade has been producing a series of monitoring issues entitled “Market of Meters,” which includes four individual surveys of the key types of meters (water, gas, heat and electricity meters).
This practice combines surveys in the following areas:
• Alternative power sources (biofuel, solar and hydrogen power)
• Small energy industry
• Power-generating equipment
• Accounting of power and municipal resources
• Power saving (technologies and materials)
• Municipal equipment
• Delivery of power and municipal resources (pipeline systems and connections)
Practice of regular surveys in this sector was established in 2004. During this period, more than 10 projects have been implemented for Russian and international companies.
Since 2005, a series of ready-made reports “Market of Meters” has been issued and since 2007 — a series “Biofuel” (bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas). In 2005, a report on solar power was prepared (its update has been planned for 2008).
Monitoring of the market of solar batteries and “solar” silicon has been conducted by Abercade since 2005. In 2009, we are planning to produce a first overview of hydrogen fuel market.
In 2007, we launched a large-scale project on the investigation of the market of “small energy industry” equipment.
A concept of agro-food sector research matches the overall direction of Abercade business targeted at the analysis of industrial markets: we investigate the markets of animal feed and premixes, veterinary products, food raw materials and food ingredients as well as the market of equipment for agricultural and food industry. Thus, we receive detailed information on from what and how food products are made.
Within the practice “Agrarian Sector and Manufacture of Food Products,” Abercade is releasing on a regular basis the following monitoring series:
• “Compound Feed and Premixes”
• “Veterinary Products”
• “Food Ingredients”
• “Plant Protectants”
• “Equipment for Food Products Manufacture”
• “Agricultural Machinery and Equipment”
In addition to biotechnology, the practice “Nano-Technologies and Materials” is a top priority area of Abercade research activities. Continuous monitoring of the development of innovative technologies and materials enables Abercade analysts to be better aware of the prospects of the “traditional” economy areas — instrument building, agro-food sector, and construction materials.
In 2006, Abercade issued a product which is really unique for the Russian market: overview of the world market of nano-materials for industrial applications. In addition, the following two databases were developed: “Producers of Nano-Substances” and “Nano-Powders.” So far, this project has been the only such experience in Russia. It proposes systematic analysis of the international industry of nano-substances. In 2008, we are planning to release a series of reports on the key types of nano-materials, update the databases and to introduce a regular monitoring of the practice of introduction and manufacture of nano-substances in Russia.
The dramatic growth of the real-estate market in Russia has faced a serious challenge: a deficiency of construction capacities and a lack of modern construction materials and technologies.
By initiating a new industry practice “Construction Materials and Technologies,” Abecade has the following target: to help the market players to receive more information about the up-to-date world construction industry.
Based on the experience gained in the research of innovations in other areas, Abercade involves experts and technical specialists from Europe, U. S. and China, i.e. those regions of the world where construction industry has achieved the highest level.
Within this practice, all the key segments of the market of construction materials in Russia will be investigated. In addition, overviews of the best practices and technology reviews will be proposed. These products will help Russian companies to learn more about capabilities of the modern construction industry in the world.
New materials
