In 2008, the volume of sales achieved by the Russian lighting facilities amounted 15.3 billion rubles, i.e. by 10.3% higher vs. 2007.
Companies of the Central Federal District had the largest share in the overall sales volume of the Russian lighting facilities (57.4%). The share of facilities located in the Volga Federal District was 32.8% and in the Siberian Federal district – 4.3%.
In 2008, the largest volume of sales of lighting products was reported in Mordovia (20.1%), the Ryazan Region (19.9%) and the Smolensk Region (11.6%).
The highest specific weight in the overall volume of production of lighting equipment in Russia falls on the Company “Svetovye Tekhnologii” (38.1%). The share contributed by the Likhoslavl Plant “Svetotekhnika” is about 14.5%, the Ardatovsky Lighting Plant – 8.4%, and the Kadoshkin Electrotechnical Plant – 8.1%.
The Russian companies provided about 70% of lighting fixtures installed in the country. Foreign companies covered about 30% of the market demand.
General Structure of Luminescent Lamp Market in Russia in 2008 (by Country)
Source: Research Company Abercade
In 2008, the Russian manufacturers of this equipment were key players in the Russian market of luminescent lamps. The share of the Ardatovsky Lighting Plant was about 40%. In the same segment, the share of the Company “Svetovye Tekhnologii” made up about 25%. The market share of the major Belorussian manufacturer of luminescent lamps – the Open Joint Stock Company “Lidsky Plant of Electrical Articles” amounted to 5%, “Vatra” - around 7%, and Philips – 5%.
In 2009, lighting fixtures with filament lamps had the highest specific weight in the overall sales volume (30%). 28% of the market fell on the lighting fixtures with luminescent lamps and gas-discharge – 16%.
The structure of the Russian market of lighting fixtures by application area is characterized by the following features. In 2008, the highest share was contributed by the light fixtures for illuminating accommodation facilities. In the overall sales volume its share reached 24%. Lighting fixtures for administrative space made up about 24% of the market, industrial buildings – 12%, and street lighting – 11%.
The share of other customers was approximately 32%.
Product batches consisting of over 200 pieces added the largest percentage to the total volume of purchases of luminescent lamps (46% of the total turnover in this segment). 35% of the turnover fell on the batches including 101 - 200 pieces, 17 % - 21-100 pieces, and – 2% - less than 20 pieces per batch.
Among the main types of luminescent lamps purchased in Russia, the highest percentage is made up by ceiling luminescent lamps (LPO) (62%). LVV Type lights contribute about 17% to the overall sales volume, ARS – 9%, LSL – 8%, other types – 4%.
Import and Export
In 2008, the volume of import into Russia increased by 7.81% vs. 2007. The highest shares in import supplies fall on China, Ukraine, and Germany.
In the same time period, the export of lighting equipment from Russia increased by 0.5%.
The largest export volumes fall on Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Germany and Turkmenistan.
Source: Research company Abercade