Nano-Technologies and Substances


Summary Overview of the World Market of Nano-Technologies in 2009

Nowadays the area of nano-products is one of the most dynamically evolving areas in the world. Based on the Results of Polymer Nano-Composites Market Study, the Research Company Abercade is providing a summary overview of the nanotech market.

In 2009, the estimated volume of the global market of nano-materials and technologies used for their production was US$10.1 billion. And the market of consumer goods based on nano-technologies achieved approximately US$773.47 billion in 2009.

The size of the world market of nano-products and technologies by 2014 is projected as US$4.6 billion in the segment “Medicine and Biotech,” US$6.0 billion in “Power Generation,” US$1.8 billion in “Electronics and IT,” and US$6.4 billion in other segments.

As regards research activities in this area, the top five countries comprise the United States, Japan, China, Germany and France.

Thus, the US National Nanotech Initiative (NNI) started in 2000. Major investments have been allocated to the National Science Foundation (NSF) and DOD/DOE facilities.

According to the British Board of Trade, by 2015 the demand for nano-tech market services will be 10 times higher and later on the growth rate will slow down considerably. About 2 million employees will be involved in this area by the above time.
Fig. 1 shows the world nano-tech market structure by geographic region

Nano-Tech Market by Country 
Source: Research CompanyAbercade

Table below shows the world nano-tech market structure by research area in 2009.

Nano-Tech Market Structure by Research Area in 2009


Source: Research Company Abercade

According to the US NSF, by 2015 the overall volume of nano-tech market will reach US$1 trillion.

Fig.2 shows a forecasted structure of the world nano-tech market by research area by 2015.

Projected world nano-tech market structure by research area by 2015

Source: Research Company Abercade and National Science Foundation
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