CREON invites you to join the II Moscow International Conference «Bio Fuels 2008» which will be held on September 25, 2008 at «Baltchug Kempinski Moscow» Hotel.
Due to the vast recourses of oil, gas and other hydrocarbon feedstock remains behind other countries in field of biofuel production and consumption. Russian bioenergetics is currently presented by two major branches: solid biofuel, mainly wood pallets and liquid biofuel represented by bioethanol and biodiesel. Despite obvious possibilities for rapid growth domestic biofuel market experiences difficulties and needs significant support.
Current state and development trends of biofuel’s market will be the main subjects to be discussed at the conference. Leading companies of the brunch will give papers and discuss biofuel production prospects in .
The next are main topics scheduled for discussion at «Bio Fuels 2008» conference:
· Global biofuel market overview;
· Features of Russian solid and liquid biofuel market;
· Government regulation in bioenergetics;
· Investment attraction of bioenergetics;
· Raw materials supply for biofuel production;
· Biodiesel and bioethanol production in ;
· Solid biofuel logistics;
· Bioethanol applications in difference fields;
· Readiness of domestic and foreign industry, particularly agriculture and engineering complexes to produce raw materials for biofuels production and equipments for biofuel processing and utilization.
Among the participants of the conference are Russian and foreign companies dealing with production and distribution of biofuel and its processing products, technological development, bioethanol and biodiesel production engineering, transportation and logistics, as well as companies interested in investments in this industrial sector.
Participation in «Bio fuels 2008» conference will provide you an excellent opportunity to get the full and topical information of the market tends, meet the main players of the market and strike up new business contacts, as well as conjointly find the way forward the actual problems.
We hope that you will decide to join the conference. Additional information on the forthcomong event you can get at the Organization Committee by fax + 7 (495) 797 49 07 or by e-mail: org@creon-online.ru