Nano-Technologies and Substances

Industries News

Metal oxides constitute 80% of the nanopowder market volume

According to research undertaken by Abercade Company, metal oxides constitute about 80% of the nanopowder market volume. The share of fine metal powder is in the order of 15%. Complex metal oxides and mixtures are available in the market in limited amounts. It is expected however that their use will increase in the longer term.

Segmentation of the 2009 nanopowder market by types

Source: Abercade Research Company
Metal oxides constitute about 80% of the nanopowder market volume. The share of fine metal powder is about 15%.

Complex oxides and mixtures are available in the market in limited amounts. It is expected however that their use will increase in the longer term.

The world nanopowder production is distributed unevenly throughout countries. Only industrially developed countries are now producing nanomaterials in commercially reasonable amounts. Most producing countries depend heavily on the import of feedstock. Many countries such as Brazil, South Africa, Russia and Australia are major producers of feedstock for nanoproducts but they do not produce nanoparticles in substantial.
However, the USA produces most of them in sufficient amounts to meet its own demands.

2009 rating of nanopowder producing countries

Source: Abercade Research Company

European producers of nanopowders do not produce them in sufficient amounts for domestic consumption, and production of some special powders that become increasingly important is either non-existent or minimal. As a result, European consumers import large amounts of various nanopowders from North America.

Asian producers specialize mostly in the production of a few types of nanopowders, but they can supply them to the neighboring countries thereby reducing their demand for North-American or European products.
The largest share in the structure of nanopowder output belongs to metal oxides. Metal powder mixtures account for the minimum share in the nanopowder market structure.

By 2015, the nanopowder market volume is expected to reach 9,300 tons in kind and $48.4 million in terms of money.

Source: Abercade

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