Company Abercade presents a survey of the Russian market of erythropoetin (ЕРО) products from 2007 to 2013. 2018F.
The report contains:
- 29 tables
- 15 diagrams
Based on the quantitative assessment, the trends in offer scope seem to be unstable on the Russian market of EPO derivatives as a result of fluctuating shipments of foreign products. The peak scope of offer was reported in 2013 when it reached 1.1 mln of conditional packs and the minimal scope was reported in 2010. The considerable drop in quantitative and monetary indicators in 2010 depended on the reduction of supplies of foreign medicinal products, primarily such products as Eprex® and Recormon®. However, the review of market trends for 2009-2010 demonstrates that the offer scope increased vs. 2008-2009 which is, in turn, associated with the product shipments in 2009 for their sales in the next year.
Following the results of 2007-2013, the average CAGR indicators made up 2% in physical terms and “minus” 8% in value terms.
From 2007 to 2013, the share of medicinal products of foreign origin declined and the percentage of domestic products increased. As a result, according to Abercade experts, the cost reduced, since domestic products are considerably less expensive than foreign drugs. For example, based on the results of 2007 the scope of offer of the products was approx. by 1.7 times lower vs. 2013.
In physical terms the trends in offer scope of erythropoietin stimulating agents were unstable due to the irregular supplies of foreign products. The maximum scope of offer was reported in 2013 and the minimal level – in 2010. A dramatic drop in quantitative and monetary terms in 2010 was caused by a decline in shipments of foreign products, mainly Eprex® и Recormon®. However, the review of market trends for 2009-2010 demonstrates that the scope of offer increased vs. 2008-2009; it can be explained by the fact that medicinal products supplied in 2009 were used for the next year sales. Based on the results of 2007-2013, the average CAGR made up 2% in physical terms and (-8%) in monetary terms.
Source: Abercade