Research Company Abercade presents to its customers a report on the RF premix market research over the period of 2009-2013.
The report contains:
- 24 Tables
- 12 Diagrams
As of 2013, the volume of the RF premix market was estimated as approximately 326 thousand tons. During 2009-2013, the market volume in physical terms demonstrated a 2.6-fold increase, while in value terms – 3.8-fold. Different growth rates with respect to these indicators depended above all on positive trends in premix prices alongside with the continuous steady demand for this product. A relatively sharp change of the indicators under review was noted in 2009 and 2010.
As noted by Abercade analysts, the period of 2007-2013 displayed a tendency towards premix market volume increase and reduction of imported product share in the RF. In physical terms, the volume of the market increased by 2.6 times, while in value terms – by 3.8 times. Different growth rates with respect to these indicators were associated above all with positive trends in premix prices alongside with the continuous steady demand for this product. A relatively sharp change of the indicators under review was noted in 2009 and 2010.
As mentioned in the report, the share of the RF produced premixes on the Russian market continues to grow. Thus, 76% of the market demand in 2007 was satisfied by domestic production, while by 2013 the figure increased to 85%. Noteworthy is that in quantitative terms the average compound annual growth rate in production exceeds the similar indicator for import at least two-fold and is estimated as 20% annually.
According to the cost estimate indicators for 2007-2013, the share of the Russian production increased from 55% to 73%. The average annual growth rate was estimated to be about the same (25-26%) for both import and domestic production, which was explained by high prices for imported products.
Export of premixes was characterized by insignificant volumes, accounting for less than 1% of the total volume of production, and did not have any impact on the market situation.
Source: Abercade