Alternative Energy

Biogas: Overview of the Global Market

Period: 2006
Region: World market
Abercade Company is introducing an overview report on biogas market


Anaerobic fermentation 

Anaerobic fermentation process

Advantages of anaerobic fermentation

Biogas Description and Characteristics

Physicochemical properties of biogas

Major feedstock sources

  • Agriculture
  • Urban sources

Biogas utilization

History of the development of biogas technologies

Biogas market

Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan





List of Tables in the Report

Table 1. Typical biogas composition

Table 2. Biogas yield and its methane concentration for different kinds of feedstock

Table 3. Biogas production in the EU, thousand tons of oil equivalent

Table 4. Biogas production in China, thousand tons of oil equivalent

Table 5. Biogas production in the U.S., thousand tons of oil equivalent

List of Diagrams

 Diagram 1. Biogas production in the EU

Diagram 2. Biogas production in China

Diagram 3. Biogas production in the U.S.

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