Region: World market
I. Introduction
II. Description and characteristics of bioethanol
III. The market of feedstock for bioethanol production
1. Types of feedstock and their advantages
1.1. Sugar-containing feedstock
1.1.1. Sugar cane
1.1.2. Sugar beet
1.1.3. Sugar sorghum
1.2. Starch-containing feedstock
1.2.1. Maize
1.2.2. Wheat, triticale
1.2.3. Barley, rye
1.2.4. Rice
1.2.5. Cassava
1.2.6. Potatoes, earth apple
1.3. Main advantages of various types of feedstock
1.4. Feedstock and technologies of first-generation bioethanol production
1.5. Second-generation bioethanol
2. Analysis of the world and the Russian grain market
3. Seasonal fluctuations of grain prices
IV. Process of bioethanol production
1. Production methods and their peculiarities
1.1. «Wet mill» technology
1.1.1. History of «Wet mill» technology
1.1.2. Description of the process of «Wet mill» technology
1.1.3. Detailed description of the «Wet mill» technological process
1.2. «Dry Mill» Technology
1.2.1. History of «Dry mill» technology
1.2.2. Description of the process of «Dry mill» technology
1.2.3. Detailed description of the «Dry mill» technological process
1.3. Technology «without grain cooking »
2. Peculiarities of bioethanol produced by various methods
3. Regulation of the volume of output
4. Business model of bioethanol production
V. Bioethanol market
1. Analysis of the market
1.1. World market
1.2. USA
1.3. Brazil
1.4. ÅÑ
1.5. China
1.6. Canada
1.7. Russia
1.8. Ukraine
1.9. Kazakhstan
2. Bioethanol application
3. Bioethanol substitutes
4. Forecast of development of the market up to 2020
4.1. World market
4.2. USA
4.3. Brazil
4.4. EU
4.5. China
4.6. Canada
4.7. Russia
4.8. Ukraine
4.9. Kazakhstan
VI. Specificity of the bioethanol market
2. Environmental impact
3. Barriers to foreign economic transactions
4. Ongoing programs of development of the bioethanol market
5. Prospects of development of technologies for transport fuel
5.1. Scenarios of development of fuel technologies
5.2. Ethanol from sugar or grain
5.3. Ethanol from lignocellulose
5.4. Biodiesel fuel
5.5. Vehicles with hydrogen fuel elements
6. Problems of the world industry of biofuel
List of tables
Table 1. Bioethanol output from different feedstock
Table 3. Products obtained in the production of bioethanol by different technologies
Table 4. Comparison of capacities of the market and the area under grain crops in the USA and Russia
Table 5. Comparison of capacities of the market and the area under grain crops in the EU and Russia in 2007
Table 6. Prospects of changes in the structure of area under crops in Russia
Table 7. Global production of bioethanol in 2006-2008, billion liters
Table 8. Production capacities in the USA
Table 9. Volume of the bioethanol market in the USA, million liters
Table 10. Volume of the bioethanol market in Brazil, million liters
Table 11. Export of bioethanol from Brazil, million liters
Table 12. Volume of the bioethanol market in the EU, million liters
Table 13. Volume of the bioethanol market in China, million liters
Table 14. Volume of the market bioethanol in Canada, million liters
Table 15. Forecast of the world consumption of bioethanol, million liters
Table 16. Standard of renewable fuel USA (production plan), billion. liters
Table 17. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in the USA, million liters
Table 18. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in Brazil, million liters
Table 19. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in the EU, million liters
Table 20. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in China, million liters
Table 21. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in Canada, million liters
Table 22. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in Russia, million liters
Table 23. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in Ukraine, million liters
Table 24. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in Kazakhstan, million liters
Table 25. Import customs duties on fuel ethanol
Table 26. Ongoing programs of development of the bioethanol market
List of diagrams
Diagram 1. Share of bioethanol produced from different feedstock
Diagram 2. Cost of bioethanol production from different feedstock without taxes, ¢/liter
Diagram 3. Capacity of the world grain market
Diagram 4. Global area under grain crops
Diagram 5. Global area under crops and closing stock
Diagram 6. Closing stock indicator and historical grain prices
Diagram 7. Capacity of the market and area under grain crops in the USA and Russia
Diagram 8. Capacities of the grain markets of leading producers
Diagram 9. Retirement of land under crop
Diagram 10. Capacity of the domestic market and export from Russia
Diagram 11. Reduction of the area under crops in Russia
Diagram 12. Indices of land under crop changes in the world
Diagram 13. Indices of land under crop changes in Russia
Diagram 14. Forecast of the global closing stock and grain prices
Diagram 15. Forecast of the world production and export of grain crops
Diagram 16. World bioethanol production, billion liters
Diagram 17. Volume of the bioethanol market in the USA, billion liters
Diagram 18. Volume of the bioethanol market in Brazil, million liters
Diagram 19. Volume of the bioethanol market in the EU, million liters
Diagram 20. Volume of the bioethanol market in China, million liters
Diagram 21. Volume of the bioethanol market in Canada, million liters
Diagram 22. Forecast of the world bioethanol consumption, million liters
Diagram 23. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in the USA, million liters
Diagram 24. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in Brazil, million liters
Diagram 25. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in the EU, million liters
Diagram 26. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in China, million liters
Diagram 27. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in Canada, million liters
Diagram 28. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in Russia, million liters
Diagram 29. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in Ukraine, million liters
Diagram 30. Forecast of bioethanol consumption in Kazakhstan, million liters
Diagram 31. Achievement of price competitiveness by fuel technologies
Figure 1. «Wet Mill» technology of bioethanol production
Figure 2. «Dry mill» technology of bioethanol production
Figure 3. Technology of bioethanol production without grain cooking