Period: 2006-2008
Region: Russia
Region: Russia
Abercade is presenting an overview of the Russian market of chemical insecticides and acaricides – plant protectants.
Description of studies subject
Notes on research methodology
1. Import of insecticides and acaricides into Russia from 2006 to 2008
1.1. Organophosphorus compounds
1.2. Synthetic pyrethroids
1.3. Nicotinoids
2. Domestic production of insecticides and acaricides
2.1. Major manufacturers of insecticides and acaricides
3. Export of insecticides and acaricides
3.1. Export structure by manufacturer
3.2. Insecticides export structure by key supply direction
4. Market Size of Insecticides
1.1. Organophosphorus compounds
1.2. Synthetic pyrethroids
1.3. Nicotinoids
2. Domestic production of insecticides and acaricides
2.1. Major manufacturers of insecticides and acaricides
3. Export of insecticides and acaricides
3.1. Export structure by manufacturer
3.2. Insecticides export structure by key supply direction
4. Market Size of Insecticides