The monitoring report on glass battle market presents review of production, its quantitative and structural analysis...
2009 |
Russia |
The monitoring report on glass jar market presents review of production, its quantitative and structural analysis...
2009 |
Russia |
The monitoring report on glass jar market presents review of production, its quantitative and structural analysis. It covers import of glass jars, major countries-importers and exporters, manufacturing companies, types of imported jars and key trends in import development. Based on the received data for production, export and import, the total volume of consumption of glass jars is estimated.
2005-2008 |
Russia |
The monitoring report on glass battle market presents review of production, its quantitative and structural analysis...
2005-2008 |
Russia |
There is a shortage of domestically-produced glass tare in the market, and it does not always meet international quality standards.
2007 |
Russia |
According to the estimate by Abercade Research Company, the expected rise in the demand for jars will constitute an annual average of 8-10% in the next few years. Jars of non-standard capacities below 1 liter will become increasingly popular.
2007 |
Russia |
Abercade Company is introducing an overview report on glass containers for cosmetics and perfumery market in Russia
2006 |
Russia |
Abercade Company is introducing an overview report on ampoules and vials market (pharmaceutical package)
2006 |
Russia |
Abercade Consulting Company puts out a new report "Overview of glass container market from 2004 to 2006 (bottles)".
2004-2006 |
Russia |
Abercade Consulting Company puts out a new report "Glass Jar from 2004 to 2006".
2004-2006 |
Russia |